Why Consider Open Source Development For Your Next Project

World Web Technology Pvt. Ltd.
4 min readOct 12, 2020

Many companies are opening their doors for open-source software. Open source web application development in the enterprise field entirely rests upon the foundation of the diversity and strength of the open-source community.

It is still important to get approved by other elements like compliance, risks, organizational preparedness, and governance. The ease and improved cybersecurity are one of the biggest advantages of partnering with an open-source development company.

Open Source is the future

Anyone can use, modify, or distribute software through the open-source feature. This has been benchmarked that open source web application development services are to evolve in the upcoming years. Some significant open-source developers lack training opportunities to train from a challenging task in this kind of web development in the future.

The IT evolution has evolved a lot since Open Source has built its foundation in this sector.

The open-source trend has revolutionized the concept of secure and robust software which is supported in such a way that enterprises can utilize their software way easier than before in an organized manner.

Open Source for Web Development

Before you decide what web development technologies to go for, you must recognize your software lifecycles. There is some kind of lifecycle management in every software development. This helps the developer to plan, design, analyze, and implement the code. We have a very flexible open-source web application development team that often works with other departments. This means that we have a very flexible work environment that allows for quick updates, iterations, and corrections.

What is an open-source enterprise?

Those organizations that consider OSS as an asset and not a liability for modern software development are called Open source enterprises. Due to their engagement with the open-source communities, they come up with the best and latest technology. Open-source enterprises evolve their businesses by ergonomically investing in open source with the help of a trusted and secure platform. Hence these organizations, outpace competitors, cut down costs, and experience rapid evolution and at the same time minimize their risks.

Three Core Approaches of an Open-source Enterprise

1. Open Source Engagement

There are thousands of contributors responsible for OSS. OSS is the result of thousands of contributors. It requires action and determination to make the most out of the open-source. According to research, companies who invest more in the open source community receive double the benefits of that of a company that just uses the open-source code. A mutual relation is set between companies that contribute to the open-source. This is the reason they keep contributing to the company and in return can take all the open-source that they need. The open-source also mentor the developer they depend upon.

2. Inner Source Culture

The collaborative and transparent communities of Open source enhances the thought diversity and promote the best ideas. These same principles are used by Open Source enterprises amongst their teams with is called “inner source”. You can strengthen your workforce and enhance your productivity by including an open-source approach in your firm.

3. Secure and Compliant Platform

There are risks when it comes to open-source usage and the developers should know how to use it safely with OSS suppliers. You can save your organization’s information and codes if you know the difference between being hacked and patched. Open-source companies manage code insecurities and use open source safely by investing on the right platform and tools to manage them.

Types of Open Source Development Frameworks

There are many open-source web development tools available to use. Some are exceptionally good, some are mediocre, and some are not even worth the try. Hence, always choose the right platform by your requirement before starting a new project.

1. Angular JS

AngularJS is used to build dynamic web applications and is a famous JavaScript framework. It is highly suitable for a single page web application.

Due to invariant HTML attributes, this framework supports data-binding and filters. It also supports other tasks like form validation, DOM handling, and forms.

2. Node JS

Node.JS was developed on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and is a JavaScript runtime framework. This runtime framework is used for the establishment of server-side web applications and is an open-source cross-platform.

An event-driven, non-blocking I/O model is utilized by it to make it efficient and faster.

3. Brackets

Another open-source code framework for HTML, JavaScript, and CSS is Brackets. It was created and written by Adobe itself.

Since it supports a live preview of the browser of the editor, it makes the development process faster. It was first released on 4th November 2014.

4. ReactJS

Another renowned efficient, declarative, and open-source framework, ReactJS is a JavaScript library used to design user interfaces. Due to the presence of a data binding feature, it is more popular as a JavaScript library.

It was created by Facebook and written by Jordan Walke.


These are the basics reasons why you should opt for open-source web applications if you plan to expand your business or launch a new product in the future. Open-source apps are the best bet to get the most out of it to boost your business and future strategies.



World Web Technology Pvt. Ltd.

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